File Title
1 New Pterosaur Species Unearthed in Argentina is Earliest of Its Kind
2 Hubble Captures Stunning Image of NGC 337
3 Coffee Consumption May Help Improve Cognitive Performance in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
4 Dark Energy is Misidentification of Variations in Kinetic Energy of Universe's Expansion, Scientists Say
5 Study: Pre-Roman Copper Industry in Timna Valley Had No Polluting Impact on Environment
6 New Species of Herbivorous Dinosaur Discovered in China
7 Leopards Can Be Identified by Their Vocalizations, New Study Shows
8 Nanostructured Filaments Produce Bright Light Waves that Twirl as They Travel
9 NOIRLab Releases High-Resolution Images of 88 Constellations and Colossal Photo of Night Sky
10 Researchers Demonstrate Quantum Teleportation over Fiberoptic Cables Carrying Internet Traffic
11 Scientists Magnetize Antiferromagnetic Material with Terahertz Laser Light
12 Well-Preserved Mastodon Fossils Unearthed in New York
13 'Blob-Headed' Catfish among New Species Discovered in Peru
14 New Research Sheds More Light on Genetic Makeup of Tea
15 New Specimen of Rare Jurassic Dinosaur Unearthed in Colorado
16 Hubble Views Supernova-Hosting Spiral Galaxy
17 Parker Solar Probe Survives Closest-Ever Approach to Sun
18 Astronomers Explore 3D Structure of Milky Way Galaxy
19 New Study Advances Understanding of Habitability of Ocean Worlds within Solar System and Beyond
20 Paleontologists Discover New Species of Sauropodomorph Dinosaur in China
21 Researchers Create New Nanosensors of Force
22 DECam Zooms in on Antlia Galaxy Cluster
23 Hainan Island's Tea Plants Are Unique Variety of Camellia sinensis: Study
24 New Study Highlights Role of Gene Expression in Human Brain Evolution
25 166-Million-Year-Old Footprints of Carnivorous and Herbivorous Dinosaurs Discovered in UK
26 Paleontologists Unearth What May Be Largest Known Mesosaurs
27 Hubble Space Telescope Observes Various Galaxies in Hydra
28 Punctured Shells Illuminate Unique Predator-Prey Interactions in Cambrian Oceans
29 Recently-Discovered Fast Radio Burst Emerged from Neutron Star's Magnetosphere, Astronomers Say
30 Unexpected Mechanism Explains Formation of Pluto-Charon System
31 New Species of Durophagous Mosasaur Unearthed in Morocco
32 Webb Spots Gravitationally Magnified Stars 6.5 Billion Light-Years Away
33 Starch-Rich Plant Foods Played Central Role in Hominin Diet 780,000 Years Ago
34 Study: GD-1 Stellar Stream's Distinctive Features Caused by Self-Interacting Dark Matter Subhalo
35 Atmospheric Lead Pollution Caused Widespread Cognitive Decline in Roman-Era Europe, Study Finds
36 New Bioluminescent Fungal Species Identified: Mycena crocata
37 New Fossil Find Rewrites History of Dinosaur Evolution
38 Morning Coffee Consumption May Have Beneficial Effects on Cardiovascular Health
39 UAV-Based Mapping Unlocks Secrets of Ancient Mega-Fortress in Southern Georgia
40 Biologists Find Evidence for Electrical Signaling and Coordinated Behavior in Choanoflagellates
41 New Fossils from Silurian Period Reveal Complex Early History of Mollusks
42 Study: Saber-Toothed Predators' Teeth were Highly Effective at Puncturing Prey
43 Researchers Create Ultrathin Niobium-Phosphide Conductor for Nanoelectronics
44 Astronomers Discover Most Distant Known Blazar
45 Hubble Sees Two Protostars in Orion Nebula
46 Study: Anthocyanin-Dense Elderberry Juice May Be Potent Tool for Weight Management
47 LIGO Searches for Gravitational Waves Produced by Neutron-Star Mountains
48 Jovian Clouds Consist of Ammonium Hydrosulfide, Study Suggests
49 New Species of Ankylosaur Identified in China
50 1,000-Year-Old Hoard of Silver Coins Unearthed in UK
51 XMM-Newton Detects Mysterious X-Ray Oscillations in Supermassive Black Hole
52 Ancient DNA Analysis Reveals Diverse Range of Ancestries in Ukraine Through Time
53 GPT-Fabricated Scientific Papers Flood Google Scholar, Scientists Say
54 Archaeologists Discover What May Be World's Oldest Three-Dimensional Map
55 Webb Spots Shells of Carbon-Rich Dust around Wolf-Rayet 140
56 New Research Explores Decision-Making Processes of Early Hominin Tool-Makers
57 Long-Period Giant Exoplanet Discovered in Multi-Planet System WASP-132
58 Nervous System in Octopus Arms is Separated into Segments, Study Finds
59 Snow Leopards Dispersed Out of Tibetan Plateau Multiple Times, Researchers Say
60 Gaia Unveils Most Detailed Map Yet of Milky Way, Completes Sky-Scanning Phase of Its Mission
61 Homo erectus Thrived in Steppe-Desert Landscapes One Million Years Ago, New Study Suggests
62 Paleontologists Describe New Species of Predatory Dinosaur
63 Hubble Space Telescope Observes Outskirts of Tarantula Nebula
64 Australopithecus Didn't Regularly Eat Meat, New Study Shows
65 Hubble's Photomosaic of Andromeda Galaxy Unveils Hundreds of Millions of Stars
66 Byzantine-Era Monastery with Colorful Mosaic Floor Unearthed in Israel
67 Fossil of Tiny Enantiornithine Bird Unearthed in China
68 New Species of Giant Isopod Discovered in South China Sea
69 Study: In Chimpanzees, Urinations Are Contagious
70 Two New Edible Truffle Species Discovered in Eastern North America
71 Megaflood Refilled Mediterranean Sea 5.3 Million Years Ago, New Study Suggests
72 Repeating Fast Radio Burst Traced to Outskirts of Quiescent Elliptical Galaxy
73 Paleontologists Find Rare Skull of Extinct Flightless Bird
74 Cavity-Nesting Birds Use Shed Snake Skin in Nest Construction to Deter Predators
75 Pleistocene Cave Bear Footprints Discovered in Spain
76 Thousands of Mounds in Martian Mawrth Vallis Region Were Once Soaked with Water, Scientists Say
77 Earth's Recent Mini-Moon Has Lunar Origin, New Study Suggests
78 76-Million-Year-Old Pterosaur Bone with Crocodilian Bite Found in Canada
79 Dinosaurs Likely Originated in Low-Latitude Region of Supercontinent Gondwana
80 Sound of Meteorite Strike Recorded for First Time Ever
81 Extinct Moa Consumed Colorful Truffle-Like Fungi, Scientists Say
82 Hominins Were Present in Eurasia by at Least 1.95 Million Years Ago
83 Hubble Zooms in on Supernova-Hosting Galaxy
84 Rare Aerobic Bacterium Found to Break Down 'Forever Chemicals'
85 CERN Physicists Search for Violation of Lorentz Symmetry in Top-Quark Pair Production
86 New Experiments Shed Light on How Titan Maintains Its Unique Nitrogen-Rich Atmosphere
87 Small Cat Species Lived alongside Early Humans in China
88 Dwarf Planet Ceres' Organic Matter Was Originally Delivered by Impactors from Main Belt: Study
89 1,900-Year-Old Papyrus Reveals Criminal Case from Roman Empire
90 Supermassive Black Holes Can Create Their Own Meals, Astronomers Say
91 Geoscientists Find Large Bodies of Magma beneath Dormant Volcanoes
92 Astronomers Confirm Presence of Three Exoplanets around Nearby Solar-Type Star
93 Planetary Scientists Offer New Explanation for Warm, Wet Ancient Mars
94 New Study Reveals at Atomic Level How Microbes Consume Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide
95 Juno Detects Massive Volcanic Hotspot near Io's South Pole
96 Researchers Find Evidence for Relatively Recent Seismic Activity on Lunar Far Side
97 Scientists Find Amino Acids, Salts and Other Compounds in Samples from Asteroid Bennu
98 Biologists Sequence Iberian Ribbed Newt Genome at High Resolution
99 Paleontologists Discover Footprints of Large Hadrosaurid Dinosaurs in Gobi Desert
100 Scratching an Itch Promotes Allergic Inflammation, Study Shows
101 Auricular Muscles Scientists Thought We Didn't Use Actually Activate When We Listen Hard
102 Long-Handed Ostrich-Like Dinosaur Unearthed in Mexico
103 How AI Is Outperforming Humans in Compassionate Responses
104 Muscle Strength and Cardiorespiratory Health Correlate to Reduced Mortality in Cancer Survivors
105 Cellular Signals that Wreak Havoc in Sepsis are Revealed
106 The Megadroughts Have Arrived
107 Parental Divorce Linked to 61% Higher Stroke Risk
108 A Wealth of New Information About Regulatory Elements in DNA
109 New Data on HPV Infections Could Lead to Programs to Reduce Cancer Incidence
110 Cellular Signals that Wreak Havoc in Sepsis are Revealed
111 The Megadroughts Have Arrived
112 Parental Divorce Linked to 61% Higher Stroke Risk
113 Receptor Structure Reveals New Insights into Epilepsy
114 Ancient Viruses Have a Vital Role in Human Embryo Development
115 Climate Change and the Microbes that Could Save or Doom the Amazon
116 Herbicides: lack of regulation leading to adverse outcomes on neonates
117 Does MS Increase Risk of Peripartum Mental Health Problems?
118 AI Detects Depression from Under 1 Minute of Speech
