File |
Title |
1 |
New Pterosaur Species Unearthed in Argentina is Earliest of
Its Kind |
2 |
Hubble Captures Stunning Image of NGC 337 |
3 |
Coffee Consumption May Help Improve Cognitive Performance in
Patients with Atrial Fibrillation |
4 |
Dark Energy is Misidentification of Variations in Kinetic
Energy of Universe's Expansion, Scientists Say |
5 |
Study: Pre-Roman Copper Industry in Timna Valley Had No
Polluting Impact on Environment |
6 |
New Species of Herbivorous Dinosaur Discovered in China |
7 |
Leopards Can Be Identified by Their Vocalizations, New Study
Shows |
8 |
Nanostructured Filaments Produce Bright Light Waves that Twirl
as They Travel |
9 |
NOIRLab Releases High-Resolution Images of 88 Constellations
and Colossal Photo of Night Sky |
10 |
Researchers Demonstrate Quantum Teleportation over Fiberoptic
Cables Carrying Internet Traffic |
11 |
Scientists Magnetize Antiferromagnetic Material with Terahertz
Laser Light |
12 |
Well-Preserved Mastodon Fossils Unearthed in New York |
13 |
'Blob-Headed' Catfish among New Species Discovered in Peru |
14 |
New Research Sheds More Light on Genetic Makeup of Tea |
15 |
New Specimen of Rare Jurassic Dinosaur Unearthed in Colorado |
16 |
Hubble Views Supernova-Hosting Spiral Galaxy |
17 |
Parker Solar Probe Survives Closest-Ever Approach to Sun |
18 |
Astronomers Explore 3D Structure of Milky Way Galaxy |
19 |
New Study Advances Understanding of Habitability of Ocean
Worlds within Solar System and Beyond |
20 |
Paleontologists Discover New Species of Sauropodomorph
Dinosaur in China |
21 |
Researchers Create New Nanosensors of Force |
22 |
DECam Zooms in on Antlia Galaxy Cluster |
23 |
Hainan Island's Tea Plants Are Unique Variety of Camellia
sinensis: Study |
24 |
New Study Highlights Role of Gene Expression in Human Brain
Evolution |
25 |
166-Million-Year-Old Footprints of Carnivorous and Herbivorous
Dinosaurs Discovered in UK |
26 |
Paleontologists Unearth What May Be Largest Known Mesosaurs |
27 |
Hubble Space Telescope Observes Various Galaxies in Hydra |
28 |
Punctured Shells Illuminate Unique Predator-Prey Interactions
in Cambrian Oceans |
29 |
Recently-Discovered Fast Radio Burst Emerged from Neutron
Star's Magnetosphere, Astronomers Say |
30 |
Unexpected Mechanism Explains Formation of Pluto-Charon System |
31 |
New Species of Durophagous Mosasaur Unearthed in Morocco |
32 |
Webb Spots Gravitationally Magnified Stars 6.5 Billion
Light-Years Away |
33 |
Starch-Rich Plant Foods Played Central Role in Hominin Diet
780,000 Years Ago |
34 |
Study: GD-1 Stellar Stream's Distinctive Features Caused by
Self-Interacting Dark Matter Subhalo |
35 |
Atmospheric Lead Pollution Caused Widespread Cognitive Decline
in Roman-Era Europe, Study Finds |
36 |
New Bioluminescent Fungal Species Identified: Mycena crocata |
37 |
New Fossil Find Rewrites History of Dinosaur Evolution |
38 |
Morning Coffee Consumption May Have Beneficial Effects on
Cardiovascular Health |
39 |
UAV-Based Mapping Unlocks Secrets of Ancient Mega-Fortress in
Southern Georgia |
40 |
Biologists Find Evidence for Electrical Signaling and
Coordinated Behavior in Choanoflagellates |
41 |
New Fossils from Silurian Period Reveal Complex Early History
of Mollusks |
42 |
Study: Saber-Toothed Predators' Teeth were Highly Effective at
Puncturing Prey |
43 |
Researchers Create Ultrathin Niobium-Phosphide Conductor for
Nanoelectronics |
44 |
Astronomers Discover Most Distant Known Blazar |
45 |
Hubble Sees Two Protostars in Orion Nebula |
46 |
Study: Anthocyanin-Dense Elderberry Juice May Be Potent Tool
for Weight Management |
47 |
LIGO Searches for Gravitational Waves Produced by Neutron-Star
Mountains |
48 |
Jovian Clouds Consist of Ammonium Hydrosulfide, Study Suggests |
49 |
New Species of Ankylosaur Identified in China |
50 |
1,000-Year-Old Hoard of Silver Coins Unearthed in UK |
51 |
XMM-Newton Detects Mysterious X-Ray Oscillations in
Supermassive Black Hole |
52 |
Ancient DNA Analysis Reveals Diverse Range of Ancestries in
Ukraine Through Time |
53 |
GPT-Fabricated Scientific Papers Flood Google Scholar,
Scientists Say |
54 |
Archaeologists Discover What May Be World's Oldest
Three-Dimensional Map |
55 |
Webb Spots Shells of Carbon-Rich Dust around Wolf-Rayet 140 |
56 |
New Research Explores Decision-Making Processes of Early
Hominin Tool-Makers |
57 |
Long-Period Giant Exoplanet Discovered in Multi-Planet System
WASP-132 |
58 |
Nervous System in Octopus Arms is Separated into Segments,
Study Finds |
59 |
Snow Leopards Dispersed Out of Tibetan Plateau Multiple Times,
Researchers Say |
60 |
Gaia Unveils Most Detailed Map Yet of Milky Way, Completes
Sky-Scanning Phase of Its Mission |
61 |
Homo erectus Thrived in Steppe-Desert Landscapes One Million
Years Ago, New Study Suggests |
62 |
Paleontologists Describe New Species of Predatory Dinosaur |
63 |
Hubble Space Telescope Observes Outskirts of Tarantula Nebula |
64 |
Australopithecus Didn't Regularly Eat Meat, New Study Shows |
65 |
Hubble's Photomosaic of Andromeda Galaxy Unveils Hundreds of
Millions of Stars |
66 |
Byzantine-Era Monastery with Colorful Mosaic Floor Unearthed
in Israel |
67 |
Fossil of Tiny Enantiornithine Bird Unearthed in China |
68 |
New Species of Giant Isopod Discovered in South China Sea |
69 |
Study: In Chimpanzees, Urinations Are Contagious |
70 |
Two New Edible Truffle Species Discovered in Eastern North
America |
71 |
Megaflood Refilled Mediterranean Sea 5.3 Million Years Ago,
New Study Suggests |
72 |
Repeating Fast Radio Burst Traced to Outskirts of Quiescent
Elliptical Galaxy |
73 |
Paleontologists Find Rare Skull of Extinct Flightless Bird |
74 |
Cavity-Nesting Birds Use Shed Snake Skin in Nest Construction
to Deter Predators |
75 |
Pleistocene Cave Bear Footprints Discovered in Spain |
76 |
Thousands of Mounds in Martian Mawrth Vallis Region Were Once
Soaked with Water, Scientists Say |
77 |
Earth's Recent Mini-Moon Has Lunar Origin, New Study Suggests |
78 |
76-Million-Year-Old Pterosaur Bone with Crocodilian Bite Found
in Canada |
79 |
Dinosaurs Likely Originated in Low-Latitude Region of
Supercontinent Gondwana |
80 |
Sound of Meteorite Strike Recorded for First Time Ever |
81 |
Extinct Moa Consumed Colorful Truffle-Like Fungi, Scientists
Say |
82 |
Hominins Were Present in Eurasia by at Least 1.95 Million
Years Ago |
83 |
Hubble Zooms in on Supernova-Hosting Galaxy |
84 |
Rare Aerobic Bacterium Found to Break Down 'Forever Chemicals' |
85 |
CERN Physicists Search for Violation of Lorentz Symmetry in
Top-Quark Pair Production |
86 |
New Experiments Shed Light on How Titan Maintains Its Unique
Nitrogen-Rich Atmosphere |
87 |
Small Cat Species Lived alongside Early Humans in China |
88 |
Dwarf Planet Ceres' Organic Matter Was Originally Delivered by
Impactors from Main Belt: Study |
89 |
1,900-Year-Old Papyrus Reveals Criminal Case from Roman Empire |
90 |
Supermassive Black Holes Can Create Their Own Meals,
Astronomers Say |
91 |
Geoscientists Find Large Bodies of Magma beneath Dormant
Volcanoes |
92 |
Astronomers Confirm Presence of Three Exoplanets around Nearby
Solar-Type Star |
93 |
Planetary Scientists Offer New Explanation for Warm, Wet
Ancient Mars |
94 |
New Study Reveals at Atomic Level How Microbes Consume
Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide |
95 |
Juno Detects Massive Volcanic Hotspot near Io's South Pole |
96 |
Researchers Find Evidence for Relatively Recent Seismic
Activity on Lunar Far Side |
97 |
Scientists Find Amino Acids, Salts and Other Compounds in
Samples from Asteroid Bennu |
98 |
Biologists Sequence Iberian Ribbed Newt Genome at High
Resolution |
99 |
Paleontologists Discover Footprints of Large Hadrosaurid
Dinosaurs in Gobi Desert |
100 |
Scratching an Itch Promotes Allergic Inflammation, Study Shows |
101 |
Auricular Muscles Scientists Thought We Didn't Use Actually
Activate When We Listen Hard |
102 |
Long-Handed Ostrich-Like Dinosaur Unearthed in Mexico |
103 |
How AI Is Outperforming Humans in Compassionate Responses |
104 |
Muscle Strength and Cardiorespiratory Health Correlate to
Reduced Mortality in Cancer Survivors |
105 |
Cellular Signals that Wreak Havoc in Sepsis are Revealed |
106 |
The Megadroughts Have Arrived |
107 |
Parental Divorce Linked to 61% Higher Stroke Risk |
108 |
A Wealth of New Information About Regulatory Elements in DNA |
109 |
New Data on HPV Infections Could Lead to Programs to Reduce
Cancer Incidence |
110 |
Cellular Signals that Wreak Havoc in Sepsis are Revealed |
111 |
The Megadroughts Have Arrived |
112 |
Parental Divorce Linked to 61% Higher Stroke Risk |
113 |
Receptor Structure Reveals New Insights into Epilepsy |
114 |
Ancient Viruses Have a Vital Role in Human Embryo Development |
115 |
Climate Change and the Microbes that Could Save or Doom the
Amazon |
116 |
Herbicides: lack of regulation leading to adverse outcomes on
neonates |
117 |
Does MS Increase Risk of Peripartum Mental Health Problems? |
118 |
AI Detects Depression from Under 1 Minute of Speech |
119 |
120 |