File |
Title |
1 |
Research shows vineyard fungicides pose a threat to survival
of wild birds |
2 |
A novel hydrogel may be a beacon of hope for infertility and
fertility challenges--ScienceDaily |
3 |
Antarctic sea ice reached 'record-smashing low' last month |
4 |
Carbon 'capture' climate tech is booming, and confusing |
5 |
Cutting edge transistors for semiconductors of the
future--ScienceDaily |
6 |
Giant sunspot grew 10 times wider than Earth in just 48 hours,
then spat X-class flare right at us |
7 |
Astronomers use dead stars to measure gravitational waves
produced by ancient black holes |
8 |
Some pests don't disappear in winter, as previously
supposed--ScienceDaily |
9 |
Mars helicopter Ingenuity phones home, breaking 63-day silence |
10 |
We may be underestimating the climate risk to crops:
researchers |
11 |
Older adults who remain more active have a better quality of
life, study finds--ScienceDaily |
12 |
PIGS find ancient stars in the heart of the Milky Way |
13 |
World's most threatened seabirds visit remote plastic
pollution hotspots--ScienceDaily |
14 |
An enormous mass of flesh armed with teeth': How orcas gained
their 'killer' reputation |
15 |
Changes in body weight perception could undermine public
health interventions to tackle obesity--ScienceDaily |
16 |
What did the last common ancestor between humans and apes look
like? |
17 |
Warmer and murkier waters favor predators of guppies, study
finds |
18 |
'Workplace AI revolution isn't happening yet,' survey
shows--ScienceDaily |
19 |
Similar to humans, elephants also vary what they eat for
dinner every night |
20 |
How the ear can inform the brain of whether hearing is
impaired--ScienceDaily |
21 |
Apex predator of the Cambrian likely sought soft over crunchy
prey |
22 |
How mercury emissions from industry can be greatly
reduced--ScienceDaily |
23 |
Quasi-periodic oscillations detected in X-ray binary GX 339-4 |
24 |
Pathogenic bacteria use a sugar in the intestinal mucus layer
to infect the gut, study shows--ScienceDaily |
25 |
Omega-3 oil counteracts toxic effects of pesticides in
pollinators, research suggests |
26 |
Observational data from nearly 200 quasars show Einstein
correct--again--about time dilation of the cosmos--ScienceDaily |
27 |
Migrant orangutans learn which foods are good to eat by
watching the locals, study shows |
28 |
Hedging strategy for coral restoration balances diversity,
ecosystem benefits--ScienceDaily |
29 |
Conflicts between salmon needs and those of competing water
users |
30 |
Amazon dolphins at risk from fishing, dams and
dredging--ScienceDaily |
31 |
Ancient rock engravings unveil intriguing insights into human
cultures |
32 |
Eating for two? Leave weight advice to the experts during
pregnancy--ScienceDaily |
33 |
A new bacterial blueprint to aid in the war on antibiotic
resistance--ScienceDaily |
34 |
Monday world's hottest day on record, initial measurements
show |
35 |
An easier way to learn quantum processes |
36 |
Elephants' giant, hot testicles could stop them getting cancer |
37 |
UN warns world to prepare for El Nino impact |
38 |
The future of recycling could one day mean dissolving plastic
with electricity |
39 |
Watch two giant, highly venomous black mambas fighting in
someone's backyard |
40 |
Copyright exceptions in Canadian education aren't a loophole,
they're essential |
41 |
Affordable and available technologies can curb rising nitrous
oxide emissions--ScienceDaily |
42 |
Sunspot numbers hit 20-year high, indicating the sun is fast
approaching its explosive peak |
43 |
Drought-hardy shrub is being adopted across Australia to
support farmers ahead of dry times |
44 |
Mystery of how deadly virus hides in humans is
solved--ScienceDaily |
45 |
El Nino spells trouble for vulnerable Galapagos iguana |
46 |
Data visualizations researchers have no clear idea of what
makes someone a novice--ScienceDaily |
47 |
How the internal clock of our cells is influenced by
mechanical forces |
48 |
Webb locates dust reservoirs in two supernovae--ScienceDaily |
49 |
Tracking ships' icy paths amidst climate change |
50 |
Watch thousands of lightning bolts crackle over Europe in
stunning new satellite video |
51 |
Helping adolescents to feel competent and purposeful--not just
happy--may improve grades |
52 |
Fluctuating levels of cholesterol and triglycerides linked to
increased risk of dementia--ScienceDaily |
53 |
Invasive non-native species cost UK economy an estimated 4
billion pounds a year, study reveals |
54 |
Improving IVF success--ScienceDaily |
55 |
New genetic technology developed to halt malaria-spreading
mosquitoes |
56 |
Poor dental health linked to decline in brain
volume--ScienceDaily |
57 |
Newspapers offer historical perspectives on Brazil's marine
biodiversity |
58 |
AI tests into top 1% for original creative
thinking--ScienceDaily |
59 |
Orbital angular momentum boosts multiplexed holography |
60 |
Fossils reveal how ancient birds molted their feathers--which
could help explain why ancestors of modern birds survived when all the other dinosaurs died--ScienceDaily |
61 |
Giant stone artifacts found on rare Ice Age site in Kent |
62 |
As envisioned, first-of-its-kind African mosquito suppression
system would reduce child mortality and aid economic development--ScienceDaily |
63 |
Stressed rattlesnakes found to calm down in the company of a
nearby 'friend' |
64 |
Soft, wireless implant monitors the heart without requiring
removal--ScienceDaily |
65 |
American mink regrow their brains in a rare reversal of the
domestication process |
66 |
Finding the flux of quantum technology--ScienceDaily |
67 |
Immune and tumor cell 'tug-of-war' controls anti-cancer
activity--ScienceDaily |
68 |
Austria's highest paradise feels heat of climate change |
69 |
New insights into the structural changes associated with
osteoarthritis--ScienceDaily |
70 |
Could Ozempic be used to treat addiction? Studies hint yes,
but questions remain |
71 |
Asian clams' spread in Columbia River warns of worse invaders |
72 |
Phishing psychology study explores what makes workers
vulnerable--ScienceDaily |
73 |
The UK botanist who helped revive Japan's seaweed industry |
74 |
Result sheds new light on how climate change will affect the
length of the day and validity of climate modelling tools--ScienceDaily |
75 |
James Webb telescope detects the earliest strand in the
'cosmic web' ever seen |
76 |
Team develops shape-transforming colloidal assembly for
targeted cargo delivery at microscale |
77 |
Aberrant alternative splicing of messenger RNA plays
fundamental role in fragile X syndrome--ScienceDaily |
78 |
New breakthrough shows how short pulses of light destroy
particles |
79 |
One protein could help scientists fight treatment-resistant
melanoma from all directions.--ScienceDaily |
80 |
Success generating two-qutrit entangling gates with high
fidelity |
81 |
1,200-year-old 'Viking graffiti' is the oldest drawing ever
discovered in Iceland |
82 |
The shift to working from home will be difficult to reverse |
83 |
Discovery of 500-million-year-old fossil reveals astonishing
secrets of tunicate origins--ScienceDaily |
84 |
Dazzling 'shooting stars' discovered in the sun's atmosphere.
What are they really? |
85 |
Employment has a positive effect on maternal well-being, but
women with very young children may need more support |
86 |
Key to ocean conservation may lie with the tropical
majority--ScienceDaily |
87 |
Dozens of 2,500-year-old skeletons unearthed at ancient
crossroads in Negev desert |
88 |
Researchers explore public support for militarily defending
NATO allies |
89 |
THC use during pregnancy linked to changes in fetal
development--ScienceDaily |
90 |
Gargantuan black hole 'switches on,' becoming one of the
brightest objects ever seen |
91 |
California Science Center to start complex process to display
space shuttle Endeavour vertically |
92 |
Unveiling a groundbreaking and accurate AI-based method to
classify cardiac function and disease using chest X-Rays--ScienceDaily |
93 |
Global temperatures have been the hottest on record for 3 days
in a row |
94 |
Study results show lead hunting ammunition hinders bald eagle
recovery, resiliency |
95 |
Forensics lab cracks case on newer, 'greener' gunshot
residue--ScienceDaily |
96 |
Viking sword from warrior's grave unearthed in family's yard
in Norway |
97 |
Financial transparency index helps track the flow of 'dark
money' in politics |
98 |
The images shed light on how electrons form superconducting
pairs that glide through materials without friction.--ScienceDaily |
99 |
Mystery Stone Age holes in England have archaeologists asking,
'What were these pits for? |
100 |
Important policy debates about the food system and climate
change can benefit from accounting for animal well-being--ScienceDaily |
101 |
Swirls of liquid iron may be trapped inside Earth's 'solid'
core |
102 |
Board games boost math ability in young children, study finds |
103 |
Why there are no kangaroos in Bali (and no tigers in
Australia)--ScienceDaily |
104 |
Adorable extinct penguin was one of the smallest of its kind
to ever walk Earth, tiny skull fossils reveal |
105 |
Researchers offer a tropical perspective on marine
conservation |
106 |
Eliminating extra chromosomes in cancer cells prevent tumor
growth--ScienceDaily |
107 |
Uncovering the mysteries of the clitoris with advanced imaging
techniques |
108 |
Top corn producing state to see future drop in yield, cover
crop efficiency--ScienceDaily |
109 |
This AI system only needs a small amount of data to predict
molecular properties |
110 |
New biomarker confirmed for early diagnosis [of
MS]--ScienceDaily |
111 |
How tiny sensors in the forest are shaping the future of
firefighting--National |
112 |
Scientists work to prevent interplanetary pollution that could
pose a threat to life on Earth |
113 |
A new technique produces perovskite nanocrystals right where
they're needed, so the exceedingly delicate materials can be integrated into nanoscale devices.--ScienceDaily |
114 |
Climate change tests limits of Mediterranean wildfire strategy |
115 |
Public support hydrogen and biofuels to decarbonize global
shipping--ScienceDaily |
116 |
Global maritime sector improves carbon-reduction target: draft
deal |
117 |
Global diet study challenges advice to limit high-fat dairy
foods--ScienceDaily |
118 |
Extracellular cytochrome nanowires appear to be ubiquitous in
microbes |
119 |
Solution depends on regulators, scientists and public
support--ScienceDaily |
120 |
'Wake-up call': Simultaneous crop failure more likely than
thought, study warns--National |
121 |
Photonic time crystals could open the door to a new branch of
optics |
122 |
Queensland native forestry can help achieve global environment
goals--ScienceDaily |
123 |
Male spider mites 'undress' females by pulling off their skin
before copulating |
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