File Title
1 Australian rangers find 'monster' 2.7 kg cane toad
2 Team achieves first precision gene editing in miscanthus
3 Satellite mapping finds new colony of Emperor penguins
4 How science could make recycling rare earth elements easier
5 Rare earth elements could be pulled from coal waste
6 Winter Weather Phenomena Causing Extreme Weather
7 New cell characterization method hints at reasons for resistance to cancer therapies
8 Powerful computing helps identify potential new treatments for coronaviruses
9 Carnivorous plants have turned to capturing mammal droppings
10 Using origami DNA to trap large viruses
11 Nanoscopic tool assesses alternative COVID-19 prevention
12 Just one degree can change a species
13 Physicists demonstrate that coating bubbles with protein results in a highly stable contrast agent for medical use
14 How incorporation of water molecules into layered materials impacts ion storage capability
15 Scientists create computer simulation based on digital microbes
16 Cancer-selective chemotherapy using a disassembly-assembly method
17 Study examines how wind turbines in forests impair threatened bat species
18 Study shows how serious it [climate change] is
19 Across the US, White neighborhoods have more greenery, fewer dilapidated buildings, fewer multi-family homes: Study
20 Here's a way to miniaturize nuclear batteries for deep space
21 Where do your online shopping returns end up? In the trash, new research finds
22 Could feral animals in Australia become distinct species? Some early signs that it's possible
23 In the Year of the Rabbit, spare a thought for all these wonderful endangered bunny species
24 Researchers discover novel mechanism for MRSA virulence
25 What do oranges, coffee grounds and seaweed have in common? They outshine cotton in sustainable fashion
26 Feds research whale mystery after more than a dozen dead whales wash up along East Coast
27 Exploring the 74,963 different kinds of ice
28 Researchers find that traded species have distinctive life histories with extended reproductive lifecycles
29 Researchers develop new, more accurate computational tool for long-read RNA sequencing
30 Unprecedented levels of high-severity fire burn in Sierra Nevada
31 A mixture of crops provides ecological benefits for agricultural landscapes, find researchers
32 COVID Still Killing Hundreds of Americans Every Day as Pandemic Enters Fourth Year
33 Vulnerability of red sea urchins to climate change depends on location
34 Economist examines US debt limit impact
35 Statistical physics theorem also valid in the quantum world, study finds
36 Protecting and regenerating tropical mangroves
37 Ripples in fabric of universe may reveal start of time
38 Delivering a message by voice, even an artificial one, can be more compelling than putting it in writing
39 Brazil begins first operations to protect Amazon
40 A journey to the birthplace of lager beer
41 Studying the feasibility of drones for collecting environmental data
42 Soil organisms are essential for the maintenance of city parks and gardens, study shows
43 World-first computational reconstruction of a virus in its biological entirety
44 Environmental rules stoke anger as California lets precious stormwater wash out to sea
45 How stray logs in Puget Sound turn industrial shorelines green
46 From the cosmos to the classroom
47 Ancient poop offers unusual insight into animal behavior
48 Ohio outlaws ubiquitous pear trees
49 Buzz Aldrin, second man on the Moon, marries on 93rd birthday
50 New ice core analysis shows sharp Greenland warming spike
51 Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Pet Bearded Dragons Has Spanned 20 States, CDC Says
52 A Psychologist Teaches Us How to Fearlessly Step Outside of Our Comfort Zone
54 A Super-Bright 'Zombie Star' Last Seen 842 Years Ago
55 Are You Suffering from Social-Media-Induced Loneliness?
56 Sudan's prized gum trees ward off drought but workers wither
57 Smallpox has plagued humans since ancient Egyptian times, scientists believe
58 Star visibility eroding rapidly as night sky gets brighter: study
59 Runaway W. Antarctic ice sheet collapse not 'inevitable': study
60 An Atmospheric Scientist Explains that Viral Rose-Colored 'UFO' Cloud
61 New Multi-Drug Resistant Gonorrhea Detected in U.S., 2 Cases in Massachusetts
62 New sleep study could explain sightings of ghosts, aliens and daemons
63 Avian flu could decimate Australian black swans
64 Brazil's new president works to reverse Amazon deforestation
65 Sun Will Eventually Expand to Some 300 Times Its Current Size, Says Study
66 Gene editing halts damage in mice after heart attacks in new study
67 When Did Mammoths Go Extinct?
68 Young chimpanzees and human teens share risk-taking behaviors
69 Threatened species of shark are being sold as flake at some outlets across South Australia
70 Parental support linked to teen internet addiction
71 Laboratory experiment shows that bacteria really eat and digest plastic
72 Researchers use bacterial communication as a target for new drugs
73 A rare rabbit plays an important ecological role by spreading seeds
74 mRNA COVID Shots Safe and Effective in Children Ages 5-11, Large Study Finds--Though Vaccine Uptake Remains Low
75 Children learn to read faster when given appropriate challenges, study finds
76 A Psychologist Explains What A Drug-Free Psychedelic Experience Can Look and Feel Like
77 A farming industry exists--often for their body parts
78 Bring gas supplies closer to people and more of them will use it, says researcher
79 Fukushima to release contaminated water--an expert explains why this could be the best option
80 Copper transformed way the world works before, and it's about to do so again
81 School uniforms are meant to foster a sense of belonging and raise achievement--but it's not clear that they do
82 Employment of people with disabilities reached new levels in 2022, outperforming their peers without disabilities
83 Whales navigate a perilous route off the NJ Shore
84 Microbes could be used by farmers as natural fertilizer for poor soil
85 Family tree of major snake group rewritten and new branch of snakes found
86 Work ability is influenced by physical fitness, social life and cognitive functions: Study
87 Khanty dialects found to differ more than Slavic languages
88 Slow-speaking states survey sells US language patterns short, linguists say
89 Wolves eliminate deer on Alaskan Island then quickly shift to eating sea otters, research finds
90 Some young sea spiders can regrow their rear ends
91 Researchers discover elephant extinction could have major impact on atmospheric carbon levels
92 How a 3-centimeter glass sphere could help scientists understand space weather
93 Sharks, spatial data, and a conservation success story
94 Can you judge trustworthiness based on looks? New research says no
95 A Psychologist Offers 3 Tips to Help You Ditch Passive-Aggressive Tendencies
96 DNA detector exposes hidden Antarctic krill
97 Virus plus microplastics equal double whammy for fish health
98 Study reveals influence of krill availability on humpback whale pregnancies
99 Twisting up atoms through space and time
100 Researchers create a low-cost sensor that detects heavy metals in sweat
101 Host-cell factors involved in COVID-19 infections may augur improved treatments
102 'Rubble pile' asteroids nearly impossible to destroy, study suggests
103 New pterosaur species with hundreds of tiny hooked teeth discovered
104 Understanding of point defect mechanism boosts photovoltaic performance of antimony selenosulfide
105 New moorings deployed to strengthen the South Atlantic observing system
106 Scientists identify components of the molecular clock that helps some animals shed their skin
107 Study analyzes effects of European chicken exports to Ghana
108 Kenyan prisoners on death row weren't deterred by the threat of the death penalty, research finds
109 Kids Who Exercise More Are Less Likely to Get Respiratory Infections, Study Suggests
110 Intense Physical Activity in Middle Age Improves Cognitive Skills, Study Finds
111 'Golden boy' mummy was protected by 49 precious amulets, CT scans reveal
