File Title
1 A new hand--and signs of sensory recovery
2 Evolution of virulence regulation in Staphylococcus aureus
3 Tropical rainforest and mountain species may be threatened by global warming
4 Small intestine can sense and react to bitter toxins in food
5 Dry adhesive based on carbon nanotubes gets stronger, with directional gripping ability
6 Digital zebrafish embryo provides the first complete developmental blueprint of a vertebrate
7 Bold traveler's journey toward the center of the Earth
8 A low-cholesterol diet leaves a bitter taste in the gut
9 EDITOR'S PICK: A low-cholesterol diet leaves a bitter taste in the gut
10 Keeping herpes infection in check: Pitt researchers describe immune system strategies
11 Brainy genes, not brawn, key to success on mussel beach
12 Warming in Yosemite National Park sends small mammals packing to higher, cooler elevations
13 Opening a can of worms: Serendipitous discovery reveals earthworms more diverse than first thought
14 Smithsonian perspective: Biodiversity in a warmer world
15 Researcher at NYU Langone's Skirball Institute available to discuss finding published in Cell
16 Can genetic information be controlled by light?
17 Recommendations for children's exercise lacking say experts
18 Fitness in a Changing World
19 Sensitive nanowire disease detectors made by Yale scientists
20 On the trail of a targeted therapy for blood cancers
21 Yamanaka eliminates viral vector in stem cell reprogramming
22 A link between mitochondria and tumor formation in stem cells
23 Statins may prevent miscarriages
24 Landmark study unlocks stem cell, DNA secrets to speed therapies
25 Fat-regenerating 'stem cells' found in mice
26 Volcanic eruptions more complex and harder to predict, according to new Science paper
27 Deep magma matters in volcanic eruption cycle
28 Researchers discover how infectious bacteria can switch species
29 What causes cellular defences to crumble...
30 Stabilizing force for good communication between neurons and muscle cells found
31 Researchers design artificial cells that could power medical implants
32 Case Western Reserve University research finds drug candidate slows age-related macular degeneration
33 Where Optics Meets Medicine: Medical Highlights of Frontiers in Optics Meeting in Rochester, Oct. 19-23
34 Spallation Neutron Source sends first neutrons to 'Big Bang' beam line
35 Promising new material that could improve gas mileage
36 Making Waves
37 Young stellar objects: the source of gas emission around Herbig Ae/Be stars
38 A New Explosive
39 Astronomers get best view yet of infant stars at feeding time
40 NASA Supercomputer Shows How Dust Rings Point to Exo-Earths
41 New Instrument Puts New Spin on Superconductors
42 Only some Web sites provide patients with reliable information before having an operation
43 Study finds stroke-prevention surgery safe in growing 80-plus population
44 Research shows link between bisphenol A and disease in adults
45 N/A
46 Is CT-colonoscopy a valuable tool to detect colorectal cancer?
47 A new alternative in treating short bowel syndrome
48 What is the relationship between laryngopharyngeal reflux and reflux esophagitis?
49 How to differentiate macro-regenerative nodules from hepato-carcinoma?
50 Why could ethyl pyruvate attenuate severe acute pancreatitis?
51 NIH scientists discover crucial control in long-lasting immunity
52 Pandemic flu models help determine food distribution and school closing strategies
53 Call for new standards of care in arthritis/rheumatism
54 Study reveals that signs of heart disease are attributed to stress more frequently in women than men
55 New devices used to reduce arterial occlusions, provide cardiac support, highlighted at TCT 2008
56 Drug may reduce coronary artery plaque
57 Triple antiplatelet therapy appears superior to dual antiplatelet therapy
58 Vulnerable plaque may be easier to detect through new imaging technology
59 A new material could act as a nanofridge for microchips
60 Scientists design bomb-proof thermometer to measure the heat of explosions
61 Hodgkin lymphoma--new characteristics discovered
62 Researchers Teach Computers to Search for Photos Based on Their Contents
63 Breathing second life into language teaching
64 CarTel personalizes commutes by using WiFi to network cars
65 AAAS satellite image analysis reveals South Ossetian damage
66 Ripple Effect: Water Snails Offer New Propulsion Possibilities
67 Smart production
68 Gene hunt in dyslexia
69 Simplifying data management for farmers
70 Using electrons to treat organic seeds
71 Iowa State researchers developing wireless soil sensors to improve farming
72 How Dust Rings Point To Exo-Earths With Supercomputer's Help
73 Digital Zebrafish Embryo Provides First Complete Developmental Blueprint Of A Vertebrate
74 Unlocking Stem Cell, DNA Secrets To Speed Therapies
75 'Virgin Birth' By Shark Confirmed: Second Case Ever
76 Astronomers Get Best View Yet Of Infant Stars At Feeding Time
77 Can Genetic Information Be Controlled By Light?
78 Journey Toward The Center Of The Earth: One-of-a-kind Microorganism Lives All Alone
79 Promising New Material Could Improve Gas Mileage
80 Ripple Effect: Water Snails Offer New Propulsion Possibilities
81 Small Intestine Can Sense And React To Bitter Toxins In Food
82 Eliminating Viral Vector In Stem Cell Reprogramming
83 Future Risk Of Hurricanes: The Role Of Climate Change
84 Hodgkin Lymphoma: New Characteristics Discovered; Cytokines Help Tumor Cells Evade Immune System
85 New Tool Probes Function Of Rice Genes
86 Religiosity Curbs Teen Marijuana Use By Half, National Study Finds
87 Statins May Prevent Miscarriages, Study Suggests
88 Tobacco Smuggling Is Killing More People Than Illegal Drugs, Experts Claim
89 Key Proteins In Blood Stem Cell Replication Pinpointed
90 Understanding The Cycle Of Violence
91 Can Taking Ecstasy Once Damage Your Memory?
92 How Much Are You Really Exercising? Obese Women Know Better Than Normal Weight Women
93 How Fatty Foods Curb Hunger
94 Tracking Down The Cause Of Mad Cow Disease: First Synthetic Prion Protein With An Anchor
95 Wielding Microbe Against Microbe, Beetle Defends Its Food Source
96 Daily Dose Of Ginkgo May Prevent Brain Cell Damage After Stroke, Mouse Studies Suggest
97 Biological Alternatives To Chemical Pesticides
98 Extending The Life Of Fresh Cranberries
99 Green Coffee-growing Practices Buffer Climate-change Impacts
100 Diversity Of Plant-eating Fishes May Be Key To Recovery Of Coral Reefs
101 Waterborne Disease Risk Upped In Great Lakes
102 Deathways Open Doors To Unexpected Cultural Practices
103 Species Extinction By Asteroid A Rarity
104 Apollo Heat Shield Uncrated After 35 Years, Helps New Crew Vehicle Design
105 When It Comes To Galaxies, Diversity Is Everywhere
106 Phoenix Lander Digs And Analyzes Soil As Darkness Gathers
107 Potential New Tool For Brain Surgeons
108 Scientists Adapt Economics Theory To Trace Brain's Information Flow
109 Reality To Go: 3-D Virtual Reality On Mobile Devices
110 Scientists study stem cells from testicles
111 Steven Pinker's 'The Stuff of Thought'
112 Book Review: The Numerati
113 Making space for the wild and wonderful
114 What the West makes of Chinese science
115 BOOK REVIEW: Applied Geometry
116 Video gamers are surprisingly fit, says study
117 Our radiation fears are being exploited, charity warns
118 Printing in 3D Gets Practical
119 'Intelligent' computers put to the test
120 What is giving Tokyo a headache?
121 'Eye flicker' explains optical illusion
122 Funding threat to seed bank
123 3D Imaging Spreads to Fashion and Beyond
124 Using Plants Instead of Petroleum to Make Jet Fuel
125 Modest Alberta teacher finally gets his dinosaur
126 Blinded by a divine light
127 Risky, we-can't-fail, all-or-nothing science
128 Burdening pupils with content a surefire way to make science dull, say teachers
129 How the Telescope Changed Our Minds
130 Is the broken Hubble Telescope worth saving?
131 How We Evolve
