File |
Title |
1 |
A new hand--and signs of sensory recovery |
2 |
Evolution of virulence regulation in Staphylococcus aureus |
3 |
Tropical rainforest and mountain species may be threatened by
global warming |
4 |
Small intestine can sense and react to bitter toxins in food |
5 |
Dry adhesive based on carbon nanotubes gets stronger, with
directional gripping ability |
6 |
Digital zebrafish embryo provides the first complete
developmental blueprint of a vertebrate |
7 |
Bold traveler's journey toward the center of the Earth |
8 |
A low-cholesterol diet leaves a bitter taste in the gut |
9 |
EDITOR'S PICK: A low-cholesterol diet leaves a bitter taste in
the gut |
10 |
Keeping herpes infection in check: Pitt researchers describe
immune system strategies |
11 |
Brainy genes, not brawn, key to success on mussel beach |
12 |
Warming in Yosemite National Park sends small mammals packing
to higher, cooler elevations |
13 |
Opening a can of worms: Serendipitous discovery reveals
earthworms more diverse than first thought |
14 |
Smithsonian perspective: Biodiversity in a warmer world |
15 |
Researcher at NYU Langone's Skirball Institute available to
discuss finding published in Cell |
16 |
Can genetic information be controlled by light? |
17 |
Recommendations for children's exercise lacking say experts |
18 |
Fitness in a Changing World |
19 |
Sensitive nanowire disease detectors made by Yale scientists |
20 |
On the trail of a targeted therapy for blood cancers |
21 |
Yamanaka eliminates viral vector in stem cell reprogramming |
22 |
A link between mitochondria and tumor formation in stem cells |
23 |
Statins may prevent miscarriages |
24 |
Landmark study unlocks stem cell, DNA secrets to speed
therapies |
25 |
Fat-regenerating 'stem cells' found in mice |
26 |
Volcanic eruptions more complex and harder to predict,
according to new Science paper |
27 |
Deep magma matters in volcanic eruption cycle |
28 |
Researchers discover how infectious bacteria can switch
species |
29 |
What causes cellular defences to crumble... |
30 |
Stabilizing force for good communication between neurons and
muscle cells found |
31 |
Researchers design artificial cells that could power medical
implants |
32 |
Case Western Reserve University research finds drug candidate
slows age-related macular degeneration |
33 |
Where Optics Meets Medicine: Medical Highlights of Frontiers
in Optics Meeting in Rochester, Oct. 19-23 |
34 |
Spallation Neutron Source sends first neutrons to 'Big Bang'
beam line |
35 |
Promising new material that could improve gas mileage |
36 |
Making Waves |
37 |
Young stellar objects: the source of gas emission around
Herbig Ae/Be stars |
38 |
A New Explosive |
39 |
Astronomers get best view yet of infant stars at feeding time |
40 |
NASA Supercomputer Shows How Dust Rings Point to Exo-Earths |
41 |
New Instrument Puts New Spin on Superconductors |
42 |
Only some Web sites provide patients with reliable information
before having an operation |
43 |
Study finds stroke-prevention surgery safe in growing 80-plus
population |
44 |
Research shows link between bisphenol A and disease in adults |
45 |
N/A |
46 |
Is CT-colonoscopy a valuable tool to detect colorectal cancer? |
47 |
A new alternative in treating short bowel syndrome |
48 |
What is the relationship between laryngopharyngeal reflux and
reflux esophagitis? |
49 |
How to differentiate macro-regenerative nodules from
hepato-carcinoma? |
50 |
Why could ethyl pyruvate attenuate severe acute pancreatitis? |
51 |
NIH scientists discover crucial control in long-lasting
immunity |
52 |
Pandemic flu models help determine food distribution and
school closing strategies |
53 |
Call for new standards of care in arthritis/rheumatism |
54 |
Study reveals that signs of heart disease are attributed to
stress more frequently in women than men |
55 |
New devices used to reduce arterial occlusions, provide
cardiac support, highlighted at TCT 2008 |
56 |
Drug may reduce coronary artery plaque |
57 |
Triple antiplatelet therapy appears superior to dual
antiplatelet therapy |
58 |
Vulnerable plaque may be easier to detect through new imaging
technology |
59 |
A new material could act as a nanofridge for microchips |
60 |
Scientists design bomb-proof thermometer to measure the heat
of explosions |
61 |
Hodgkin lymphoma--new characteristics discovered |
62 |
Researchers Teach Computers to Search for Photos Based on
Their Contents |
63 |
Breathing second life into language teaching |
64 |
CarTel personalizes commutes by using WiFi to network cars |
65 |
AAAS satellite image analysis reveals South Ossetian damage |
66 |
Ripple Effect: Water Snails Offer New Propulsion Possibilities |
67 |
Smart production |
68 |
Gene hunt in dyslexia |
69 |
Simplifying data management for farmers |
70 |
Using electrons to treat organic seeds |
71 |
Iowa State researchers developing wireless soil sensors to
improve farming |
72 |
How Dust Rings Point To Exo-Earths With Supercomputer's Help |
73 |
Digital Zebrafish Embryo Provides First Complete Developmental
Blueprint Of A Vertebrate |
74 |
Unlocking Stem Cell, DNA Secrets To Speed Therapies |
75 |
'Virgin Birth' By Shark Confirmed: Second Case Ever |
76 |
Astronomers Get Best View Yet Of Infant Stars At Feeding Time |
77 |
Can Genetic Information Be Controlled By Light? |
78 |
Journey Toward The Center Of The Earth: One-of-a-kind
Microorganism Lives All Alone |
79 |
Promising New Material Could Improve Gas Mileage |
80 |
Ripple Effect: Water Snails Offer New Propulsion Possibilities |
81 |
Small Intestine Can Sense And React To Bitter Toxins In Food |
82 |
Eliminating Viral Vector In Stem Cell Reprogramming |
83 |
Future Risk Of Hurricanes: The Role Of Climate Change |
84 |
Hodgkin Lymphoma: New Characteristics Discovered; Cytokines
Help Tumor Cells Evade Immune System |
85 |
New Tool Probes Function Of Rice Genes |
86 |
Religiosity Curbs Teen Marijuana Use By Half, National Study
Finds |
87 |
Statins May Prevent Miscarriages, Study Suggests |
88 |
Tobacco Smuggling Is Killing More People Than Illegal Drugs,
Experts Claim |
89 |
Key Proteins In Blood Stem Cell Replication Pinpointed |
90 |
Understanding The Cycle Of Violence |
91 |
Can Taking Ecstasy Once Damage Your Memory? |
92 |
How Much Are You Really Exercising? Obese Women Know Better
Than Normal Weight Women |
93 |
How Fatty Foods Curb Hunger |
94 |
Tracking Down The Cause Of Mad Cow Disease: First Synthetic
Prion Protein With An Anchor |
95 |
Wielding Microbe Against Microbe, Beetle Defends Its Food
Source |
96 |
Daily Dose Of Ginkgo May Prevent Brain Cell Damage After
Stroke, Mouse Studies Suggest |
97 |
Biological Alternatives To Chemical Pesticides |
98 |
Extending The Life Of Fresh Cranberries |
99 |
Green Coffee-growing Practices Buffer Climate-change Impacts |
100 |
Diversity Of Plant-eating Fishes May Be Key To Recovery Of
Coral Reefs |
101 |
Waterborne Disease Risk Upped In Great Lakes |
102 |
Deathways Open Doors To Unexpected Cultural Practices |
103 |
Species Extinction By Asteroid A Rarity |
104 |
Apollo Heat Shield Uncrated After 35 Years, Helps New Crew
Vehicle Design |
105 |
When It Comes To Galaxies, Diversity Is Everywhere |
106 |
Phoenix Lander Digs And Analyzes Soil As Darkness Gathers |
107 |
Potential New Tool For Brain Surgeons |
108 |
Scientists Adapt Economics Theory To Trace Brain's Information
Flow |
109 |
Reality To Go: 3-D Virtual Reality On Mobile Devices |
110 |
Scientists study stem cells from testicles |
111 |
Steven Pinker's 'The Stuff of Thought' |
112 |
Book Review: The Numerati |
113 |
Making space for the wild and wonderful |
114 |
What the West makes of Chinese science |
115 |
BOOK REVIEW: Applied Geometry |
116 |
Video gamers are surprisingly fit, says study |
117 |
Our radiation fears are being exploited, charity warns |
118 |
Printing in 3D Gets Practical |
119 |
'Intelligent' computers put to the test |
120 |
What is giving Tokyo a headache? |
121 |
'Eye flicker' explains optical illusion |
122 |
Funding threat to seed bank |
123 |
3D Imaging Spreads to Fashion and Beyond |
124 |
Using Plants Instead of Petroleum to Make Jet Fuel |
125 |
Modest Alberta teacher finally gets his dinosaur |
126 |
Blinded by a divine light |
127 |
Risky, we-can't-fail, all-or-nothing science |
128 |
Burdening pupils with content a surefire way to make science
dull, say teachers |
129 |
How the Telescope Changed Our Minds |
130 |
Is the broken Hubble Telescope worth saving? |
131 |
How We Evolve |
132 |
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